MapleStory Tips to Help You with Equipment Progression
Date: Jan/04/17 03:45:02
Views: 3298
You guys may have no clue to set the goal for your equipment progression or how to do for your gear. Then here are tips to help you make your equips stronger or improve your equips.
If you're playing solo:
- Progress your Gollux equipment. Solid -> Rein -> Superior
- Get the SS ring from the event that's currently happening. It's one of the BIS(Best in slot) rings.
- Vengence ring has passed so I'd assume the next best rings would be either Reinforced Gollux ring or Blackgate rings.
- For face accessory, you can either get the Blackgate mask for the 3 set effect or get the Sweetwater face.
- For the eye accessory, I think Sweetwater glasses is BIS.
- For gloves, I think getting the High Quality Dimension gloves will be better since it gives more stats and gives attack. You can get this from Dimension Invasion PQ by killing Blackheart in the bonus stage. (Tyrant Gloves are 100% better. But it takes A LOT of investment to get)
- For Shoes, once you feel a bit stronger you can attempt to kill normal magnus for a higher change of it dropping Nova shoes for your class. Otherwise Easy mode magnus has a very low chance of dropping it.
If you got guildies that can help you equipment progress:
- You can skip Gollux and go straight for Reinforced set or maybe Superior if your guild is kind and strong enough to help you.
- You can get Tyrant cape from Hard Magnus which is the BIS cape until you can transpose it into a Sweetwater cape(In commerci).
- You can replace your hat, top and pants with Chaos root abyss equipment if your guildies are strong enough to get a party together.
- As for shoes and belt, it's gonna take a while to get the BIS Tyrant Shoes and Tyrant Belt, it will require you to do Hard Magnus for several weeks.
End-game equipment you should probably aim for:
Hat, Top, Buttom, Weapon, Secondary:
- Chaos Root Abyss equipment (Use Fafnir Dagger and Fafnir Katara (From Chaos Root Abyss Cvel) unless you're lucky enough to get Sweetwater Dagger and Sweetwater Katara).
- Superior Gollux Ring, SS Ring, Either 2 Blackgate rings or 1 Blackgate ring and 1 Reinforced Gollux ring.
- 2 Superior Gollux pendants.
- Superior Gollux Earrings (This will give you the 4 Superior Gollux effect)
- Sweetwater Face or Blackgate Mask (Only use Blackgate Mask if you're using 2 Blackgate rings).
- Sweetwater Glasses.
Cape, Shoes Belt:
- Tyrant Cape, Tyrant Shoes, Tyrant Belt (If you're lucky enough to get Sweetwater Cape, Sweetwater Shoes and Sweetwater Gloves, and your Tyrant Cape and Tyrant Shoes are both 10 starred you can transpose the Tyrant cape into Sweetwater which will give you more range when you use Sweetwater set effect).
- Ghost Exorcist Badge
- Gold Maple Leaf Emblem
- Antellion Guardian Medal
- Absolab Shoulders then it will be Arcane Shoulders but that's a far off dream for now.
Hope you can get a little help from above tips. When you are playing MapleStory 2 (Korean version) and have demand for cheap maplestory 2 mesos, which can be obtained on our online store Keep an eye on us.