Best Way to Make Maplestory2 Mesos without Spending Real Money

maplestory2mesos Date: Jun/27/16 00:21:09 Views: 980

I have played maple for a while, but i still don’t know the best way to make billions of maplestory2 mesos. I have tried elite bosses, but they are so annoying to find and to even get maplestory2 items. I need more damage on my wind archer, my damage range is 78000-90000 (level 153}. Everything is so gosh darn expensive and i cant fund my characters worth crap.



I do not spend money on maplestory2 MS and am considered underfunded, but i get around it. I have friends that give me their “bad scrolled” items that are better than mine, even if they screwed up their scrolling on it. There are some really nice MS players out there that will help you too. As for Buying MapleStory Mesos , you can sell boss drops and such. I tend to NPC most stuff due to hating the free market. Just look for some people around and talk to them. You would be suprised that they may help you..or even invite you to their guild. I had same problem as you. The highest equips i had were pensalir. Then someone from my guild basically gave me bad “CRA” equips. Now all i need are the pants and i got the whole set. In the meantime, i am fighting GOLLUX too for his rings and such. I am also doing Commerci boat quests for the sweetwater items. You may consider trying for these also.

There was also a poster that made a list awhile back about how to get some good equips. I printed it out and ill try to summerize on here what he posted:

-Fight Easy mode magus. He drops nova equips, which are considered 2nd best equips in game.
-Do Crimsonwood questline to open bosses Gollux and Commerci up. They both give good equips.
-fight normal mode zakum. He drops decent face accessory/eye accessory.
-fight normal horntail. He drops a nice ring.
-Monster park tends to have alot of drops in it. Try playing in there for a set of items you can either sell or use yourself.
-level 150 ghost ship has best badge in game, so do that questline.
-Get alot of reward points to use cubes, hammers, and stuff to upgrade equips.
-take advantage of events. they sometimes have good items.
-Don’t be afraid to upgrade current equips if you think you going to have them long time.