Choose Roles of Maplestory ---part 2

maplestory2mesos Date: Jan/20/15 03:13:01 Views: 1260


Method 3 of 7: Thief



The following describes thieves.

Thieves are a actual absorbing chic in MS. They can jump-attack with throwing stars and advance up abutting with acrimony (although you will accept to accept amid those). They aswell accept the coolest-looking accessories (debatable). Thieves don't get abounding defense, but they accept top avoid-ability, authoritative the enemies tend to miss. They get fast attacks instead of few able blows, and as a 2nd class, they get one of the a lot of fun abilities in MS, Haste.



    Fast attacks

    Range (for star-throwers or affray (knife-wielders) but can go hybrid

    Can jump-attack

    High accurateness (though not as top as Bowmen) and actual avoid-ability

    Triple Throw with Shadow Partner (Night Lord) acceleration rivals the Bow Master's Hurricane

    Alchemist is actual advantageous for Hermits (Heals 150% added from pots, and things like atramentous angel endure 15 account       instead of 10)

   Hermit's low survivability amount is fabricated up for their acceptable avoid-ability abilities such as beam jump, although it     takes some convenance to get acclimated to application it correctly. Aswell a acceptable accomplishment to get about faster.

   Meso Guard abundantly increases bandits survivability rate

   Meso Explosion is a actual able skill, but you accept to use your own meso's for it.

   Night Lords 4th job accomplishment Ninja Storm knocks aback all monster in ambit and stuns them so you accept added allowance to    advance (commonly accomplished in abounding college levels because of the adversity accepting the skill)One of the best choices       in parties for bang-up runs



   Mediocre HP

   Assassins accept to be adjourned (to accept acceptable stars e.g. Ilbis, which amount about 15mill depending on the world)

   Dagger thieves accept the hardest time leveling in the 1st job (unless they use stars until affiliated 30)

   Assassins about accept beneath aegis than Bandits because if the adeptness to apply shields

   Assassins accept annihilation to assure their HP (But they can HP wash, requires a bit of nx)

   Dagger thieves (Bandits) are harder to affiliated until 3rd job.

   Daggers accept abbreviate range, admitting anchored by Boomerang Step in 4th Job

   Assassins tend to crave added meso to advance than added classes (especially if you become dexless or low-dex) as able-bodied as    the amount of accepting stars.

   Thieves are actual abundant, artful and brilliant affiliated (thoug abounding added of the latter).


Method 4 of 7: Warrior



The afterward describes warriors.

Warriors are mostly affray fighters. They cannot use ambit attacks like the added classes until abounding after in the game. Therefore, and as presumed, warriors accept the far added bloom and aegis than added classes. Advancing affray is sometimes boring, but the arduous accident of every hit makes it worthwhile.


Warriors do a lot of accident at college levels, but are eclipsed by Mage's in the average zone. At this point, Warriors assume appealing pathetic, but don't accord up!


Also, it is arguable to accept 2H, or 2handed, weapons over 1H weapons. The acceptable account is that you can use both depending on the environment. This is consistent because of the Warrior's 'Mastery' skills. For example, Fighters get Sword and Axe Mastery. If you aces Axe Mastery, you get a college minimum accident + accurateness for BOTH 1H and 2H axes.



    Highest HP and Aegis of all classes.

    Choice of 8 altered weapons types.

    Can accept amid 1-handed and 2-handed weapons.

    First Mapler's to get a mob skill.

    Pages (mace/sword users) can use basal accuse like those of Magicians to enhance advancing in 3rd Job and beyond High raw           damage.

   Spearmen are capital in parties should they accept Hyper Body (increases max HP and MP by 60%)

   Fighters are admired for their Rage ability. Increasing advance by 10.

   Dragon Knights are the aboriginal chic to accept the adeptness to hit 15 monsters in the map. (Dragon Roar)

   Crusaders do added accident on individual monsters, while White Knights do added accident based on basal powers, and Dragon          Knights do added accident to mobs.

   Dragon Knight accept a added added ambit but added axiomatic in 3rd job.

   Crusaders and White Knight gets mp about-face in 3rd job.



   No ranged attacks until 3rd (for Spear and Polearm users) or 4th job(for every added warrior)

   White Knights/Paladins (Pages accomplished affiliated 70) accept belted training choices back they await on basal advantages       (like magicians) to alternation efficiently.

   Lowest MP of all classes (until 3rd class).


 Axe and Mace users accept almost ambiguous accident throughout the accomplished game. Spear and pole arm users aswell face this problem, admitting this is anchored in the 3rd job. Either way, this ambiguous accident is affiliated to the accident of pre-4th job (cross)bow and barb users. Pole-arm users and spearman get added ability about in 4th job.