Choose Roles of Maplestory ---part 3

maplestory2mesos Date: Jan/21/15 01:06:52 Views: 1342



Method 5 of 7: Pirate



The following describes pirates.


   Have both Brawler which in afterwards levels pays off with appealing air-conditioned abilities such as Transformation. Aswell the    Gunslingers are fast, can jump shot, and accept blaze or ice bullets/ammunition if lvl. 70

   The job doesn't get as arid like a lot of jobs because at the 1st and 2nd job there are appealing air-conditioned skills. This      aswell applies to 3rd and 4th job.

   As of 2008, there aren't that abounding of them yet so you accept a bigger adventitious to be able-bodied known.

   Gunslingers eventually get a accomplishment that rivals blow (rapid fire)

   Gunslingers can get assimilate the haystack at the Henesy's Market Entrance.

   Infighters accept one of the best survivability ante in the bold because of backbone frames.



   Pirate can be beheld as a altered adaptation of thief. They both accept somewhat a aforementioned job appearance consisting of   either abbreviate ambit antagonist (aka. Brawler/Bandit), or throwing altar such as stars or cutting bullets (aka                   Gunslinger/Assassin).

   Also, afterwards a while they can get arid and even annoying. Since the absolution abounding Pirates accept invaded the HPQ       (Henesys Affair Quest) spots and now it takes even best to get into a party. Of course, as of 2010, HPQ is appealing empty.

   Ask accompany for advice. If any of your accompany are already playing, ask them for some admonition on the chic benefits. It     ability advice you to decide.


Method 6 of 7: Perma-Beginner



The afterward describes perma-beginners.



   No EXP accident if you die

   You don't accept to adjudge which of the 5 others you could do

   Being allotment of a different society

   Taxi is bargain (90% off)

   Adds some challenge



   No appropriate skills

   Must be adjourned (a lot) for weapons and equips

   Extremely anemic compared to added classes

   Takes a continued time to akin up


Method 7 of 7: Cygnus Knights



1Cygnus knights are spin-offs of the 5 aboriginal classes, but with assertive differences.



   Levels up faster than any added class

   Decent (and flashy) abilities for a lot of classes

   6 AP anniversary akin up until akin 70

   At akin 120 you can accomplish an Ultimate charlatan (Benefits cover appropriate title, top stats, new abilities etc.)

   All classes can accept a body sprite that attacks enemies for you



   Unless you're arena as Mikhail/Milhile, the akin cap is 120.

   Ultimate adventurers accept hardly beneath HP than a accustomed charlatan (dismissible)

   Not too able afterwards akin 70

   Can't admission the Gate to the Future area, or do a Cygnus or Magnus bang-up run.