Choose Roles of Maplestory --- part 1

maplestory2mesos Date: Jan/18/15 03:49:44 Views: 1169


If you are having a hard time choosing a character for Maplestory, here are some suggestions to help you out.


Method 1 of 7: Bowmen



The following describes Bowmen.


Bowmen can use ranged attacks, and hit actual harder with them. Although abortive in affray aboriginal on, their top accident adequacy at ranged makes up for it. They accept ambiguous accident at first. They are actual harder to jump-attack with.



     Damage starts to flash after in the game

     Most ambit in the game

     Most aberrant accomplished chic in the game

     Highest accurateness a part of all classes

     Relatively bargain equips (especially for crossbowmen)

     High knockback ability

     Hurricane's (Bow Adept skill) rivals Triple Throw (Night Lord with Shadow Partner (star thief))

     Pierce (Marksman/XBow adept skill) deals very, actual top accident to mobs.

     Marksmen get a accomplishment that can one-hit KO any non-boss monster.

     Arrow Eruption/Rain allows 3rd job Bowmen to mob up close.



    Mediocre HP, and MP

    Unstable accident (fixed in 4th job, area you get 90% Mastery)

    Use up abutting until you attain Ability Knockback and Mortal Blow

    Attack acceleration is slower than that of their brilliant analogue (especially crossbowmen)

    Movement and jumpshooting is tougher (but possible)

    No affair abilities until 4th job.



   Bowmen are not as abortive up abutting as sins, as the skill, ability knockback (pkb) knocks abutting enemies abroad abounding added easily.


Method 2 of 7: Magician



The afterward describes magicians.


Magicians are actual abounding in the MS community. You can see any chic of the Magician walking about all the time. Unlike bowmen and assassins, their attacks are both affray and ranged. Using spells like Energy Bolt and Abracadabra Claw, they can administer acceptable accident in the average levels, and assure themselves with Abracadabra Guard. They are admired in Affair Quests for the accident they are able to do and the abilities they can contribute.



     Good, abiding accident in 1st job advancement

     Very acceptable accident improvement in 4th job in the anatomy of mob skills

     Incredible amounts of HP and MP recovery

     Magic Barb can advance through walls and with stable, acceptable damage

     Take accident through Abracadabra Guard, in MP

     Higher abracadabra defense

     Can advertisement (teleport + advance skill)

     Heal, acclimated by Clerics, Priests, and Bishops, defeats the purpose for HP potions

     Owns all the added classes at 4th job. (15 monsters at amazing levels of accident but use added mp).



    The alone 2nd job advance advance as apostolic is angelic arrow, which is according about to abracadabra claw.

    Low weapon defense

    Same botheration with bowmen with jumpshooting

    Low HP

    Overpowered by added classes in 2nd job already at akin 40.


Though Abracadabra Guard helps it so they don't die, it aswell costs alot of mp, and mp is added big-ticket than hp to buy potions for. NOTE: monsters/bosses that allay aswell allay Abracadabra Guard, so it requires fast reflexes to adapt and abstain dying)


Training is belted due to their assurance on basal advantages.


NOTE: Although added classes overpower Priests in 3rd class, they accept a accomplished bulk of affair abilities that allure the absorption of all parties.