Effecient Ways to Grind MapleStory Professions Level

maplestory2mesos Date: Jan/13/17 01:31:03 Views: 2821

To Learn a profession, you must be level 35 or higher with 2nd job advancement. In this article, you will learn the efficient ways to grind profession level.


MapleStory professions


1). If you are reboot, in reboot,  you can learn all 5 professions. Get smithing to 10 for a japanese weapon, get accessory crafting to 10 so that you can proceed to meister easily later on in the game.


2). You should level up Alchemy as soon as you reach lv 30+ and before your inventory being filled up by untradeable items. This way, you could buy a lot of lv5 or lv10 equipment from vendors without worrying about insufficient slot and fuse them to level up as well as hoping to get epic equipments for transferring in the future.


3). Extracting lv100+ equipments which vendor value are lower than 100k each is very profitable since you'll be able to get Philosopher's stone (300k each) ranging from 0-4 from each equipment. This requires your alchemy to be lv5 and above.


4). Fuse zakum helmets and horntail pendants (via alchemy) to get to level 30 charm. That way you can unlock the quest that will allow you to equip pocket items.


Except these ways, do you have any useful ways to share? More MapleStory latest news is available on maplestory2mesos.com, where youcan buy maplestory 2 mesos. Any questions, just ask and we will help you.