Effective ways to get a Magnifying Glass in "MapleStory"

maplestory2mesos Date: Jan/23/15 00:54:13 Views: 1487


In earlier versions of "MapleStory," the accumulative bottle account accustomed players to analyze items in their inventory. However, a arrangement amend and confused the accumulative bottle from the game. The new adjustment of anecdotic items uses a accumulative bottle figure in the player's account screen.


Identifying Items


When you aces up an account in "MapleStory," you may accept a bulletin cogent you that it has hidden potential. To adjudge it, accessible your inventory. Bang on the accumulative bottle icon, which is third from the larboard at the basal of the window. Next, bang on the item.


Appraisal Costs


Appraising items isn't free. The amount of the appraisement will be proportional to its level. However, if your Acumen account is top enough, appraising may be free. Acumen of 30 grants chargeless appraisement for items beneath akin 30, while characters with an Acumen of 60 can adjudge up to account akin 70, and characters with 90 acumen can adjudge up to akin 120.


Old Accumulative Glasses


If you bought a accumulative bottle , it will still action as it ahead did. You artlessly will not be able to buy any new ones.