Maplestory 120-250 levels Trading guide

maplestory2mesos Date: Jan/31/15 12:02:25 Views: 1727


Training Levels 120-250


Level 120-250: Dragon Rider PQ (DRPQ)

This PQ only takes 3-4 minutes and awards a lot of exp (10% per pq at level 120, 3% per pq at level 170), the only downside is it has a 10 times a day limit.


Level 120-165/250: Any PQ within "Party Quest Entry: Advanced."

Of these 3 PQ's (Kenta PQ, Hoblin/Rex PQ, and Escape PQ) Escape PQ gives the most exp if done quickly.

If your party can not complete Escape PQ quick enough then Kenta PQ is the best option. 

Hoblin/Rex PQ is mainly used to obtain Perfect Rex Earrings which give 10% hp. Side Note: Beginners can not use the Hyena Mount from Hoblin/Rex PQ.


Level 140-165/250: Dimensional Invasion PQ (DIPQ)

This PQ takes 10-15 minutes depending on how good your party is. Level 140-160 you will gain around 10% per PQ. After level 160 it slowly begins to decline.


Level 165-175/179: Stronghold: Second Drill Hall Leech or SDH or DH2 for short(P.P.A.)

This place is almost always empty but, if you can find a party with hs and/or a kanna it is amazing exp. 


Level 175-193: Stronghold: Hall of Honor Leech or HoH for short(P.P.A.)

It is highly recommended that you come here at level 175. Even though at level 175 you will ONLY get leech exp from 3/5 of the mobs it is still faster than waiting until level 179 to get full leech exp.


Level 193-250: Twilight Perion: Warrior Grounds Leech (P.P.A.)

Even though this map is a P.P.A. it is better to only have a party of two (someone to leech you, and yourself) and a leechless HS, and a kanna that is not in the party. 


Tip: It is highly recommended that you buy a flying mount (ex. Pegasus , helicopter , etc). There is no safe way to get leeched in this map without one.