Maplestory Tips three: Setting up Store

maplestory2mesos Date: Feb/12/15 16:23:25 Views: 1122


1.Find a spot in the FM. Channels two and three are the best spots to set a store. Channel one is better, but you may be disconnected by hackers. Pay attention to patches and get a spot first thing after it's finished.


2.Sell spots. If you find a good spot in Channel one, sell it for five to twenty million. If you find a less busier spot, you can still make a profit, but sell it for cheaper prices.


3.Choose a good name for your store. Choose one that actually describes the items that you're selling, such as "Empress Equipment" or "Cheap Mastery Books". Not a lot of people wants to buy from a store called "I like Pie" or "In Soviet Russia, Car drives You!".