Training to Earn Mesos in Maplestory

maplestory2mesos Date: Feb/06/15 01:03:08 Views: 1113


1.Train and get mesos. PQ will give rewards that you can sell for much mesos. Quests also gives rewards and mesos that you can keep or sell. Make sure you have fun while playing! Some PQS give you equips that you can use or sell.



2.Train at Sakura Cellions in Amoria. They give a ridiculous amount of money compared to their level. (Easier to get to)

Leprechauns in Masteria give far more mesos per drop and have a much better drops including Steelys and Black Umbrellas. To go there, first travel to New Leaf City by buying a subway ticket in Kerning City and travel using the free taxi at the far left of the map. Then walk to the left side of the map until you see the portal, this is where the Leprechauns roam. (LV 40+)


You can also loot instead of train.