Where to Get the Best Totems in MapleStory

maplestory2mesos Date: Jan/11/17 03:06:27 Views: 4878

Totems are the equipment in MapleStory, which can be earned in the game event occasionally, while some come with character effects. Where to get the best totems right now? This article will give you the spots to find the best totems.


MapleStory totems


Afterlands is on the lightbulb on the side and gives you 4 totems that have one kind of stat at +20 along with +7 wep/matk. It is believed to have a set effect of +10 atk if you equip any 3. Afterlands is also glitched. There are possible work arounds by following specific guides but the questline itself is quite long. The questline again is pretty long, but in the end you get a cape that is better than a nova cape in terms of efficient funding but lesser to that of a tyrant. There's also the Masteria blockbuster which gives one of the better medals in the game. The blockbuster isn't as long as the other 2 questlines but you get the medal along with a chair and android. (There are two kinds of androids and chair you can get depending on what side you choose. Mostly aesthetic at that point but both will function as a shop android.)


Yu garden can be located at six path crossway where the giant red shanghai portal is. Simply grind for the totems at certain locations. The stats are +20 all stats and +10 atk/m.atk and has a set effect of +15 atk/m.atk. Although these totems only last a month, it is preferrable to grind 1 day to get all these totems just for that small stat boost over the perm afterlands one.


Otherwise, you can just grind in a map. Dailies aren't necessarily really important unless you're going for the items in the shop.


Think about and take useful information. Have fun with the game. More MapleStory news is available on maplestory2mesos.com, where now you can get cheap maplestory 2 mesos. Any questions about your orders, you can connect us on live chat.